About Us

Tax1 started in 2019 when Ricardo Gorski left Germany and moved to Cyprus. Ricardo is an online entrepreneur and didn’t understand why he has to pay 50% in taxes in Germany. He first moved to Bali as a digital nomad, however, the disadvantage of not having a legal entity bothered him.

So he was looking for an alternative in Europe. Ricardo enjoyed the island lifestyle very much, and so he looked for islands in the EU. As there are not many options, he visited Cyprus for a week and fell in love immediately.

The climate is sunny, the people friendly, and the tax scheme absolutely fair. Ricardo felt like this is his new home.

However, there was not a lot of information about immigrating and company formation, and a lot of service providers take advantage of that, charging immense prices while offering low quality services.

That lead to the fact that the moving part was harder than expected, and involved a lot of stress and hassle.

This is when Ricardo decided to start making YouTube videos about the process of moving to Cyprus and starting a business here.

The videos got a lot of traction because many other people wanted to move to Cyprus as well, and so Ricardo started to offer services with his legal and tax partners.

Today, Ricardo helped well over 1.000 people directly move to Cyprus and set up international company structures.

Tax1 now covers everything regarding tax planning, moving to other countries and setting up company structures, as well as obtaining citizenship and permanent residencies all over the globe.

Tax1 is your One-stop solution for everyone that wants to live a tax-free life under the sun.