Live tax-free by embracing a better life.

Less Tax, More Wealth.

Premiere Relocation Services

We helped over 300 people

Tax.One is your #1 relocation and tax partner for low tax jurisdictions.

Why move to Cyprus?

By moving to another country, you can legally reduce your taxes to 0%, while living a better lifestyle, or traveling the world.

Low Taxes

Living in a country like Cyprus comes with 0% capital gains & dividend tax. Corporate tax can be drastically reduced as well.

Island Lifestyle

Cyprus has 326 sunny days per year and offers the Mediterranean Sea, lakes, waterfalls, amazing people and culture.

Entrepreneurs Community

Cyprus is among the fastest growing hub spots for digital nomads and entrepreneurs in the EU.

Start living a better (tax-free) life

Apply for your individual tax plan & talk to our experts.

Tax.One guides HNI's & Family offices.

Our team is adept at navigating the complexities of international tax laws, estate planning, charitable giving, and investment structures, always with the aim of maximizing your financial health and ensuring the longevity of your legacy.

5 Star Rating

300+ Clients

5 Star Rating

200+ Clients

Saving taxes is the best way to make up to 70% more profit

You work hard for your money, so why give away 50% of it? You can have significantly more money in your pockets. This is your chance to:

Tax.One Consultation

Apply for your individual tax plan & talk to our experts.

This is how it works:

Tax.One works with a simple 4-step process to optimize your taxes in less than 14 days.

1. Fill out form​

2. Consultation call

3. Receive roadmap

4. Move & Pay Less Tax

Our 14 day plan for your new life

To start, we need some basic understanding of you and/or your business activities. Based on that information our team will create a tailored roadmap that includes everything from deregistering to your first beach day.

"Nothing is Certain Except De*th and Taxes."

WRONG. When you move to Cyprus you will not just pay no dividend tax anymore, but you will also start a new life with sun all year around. Hundreds of people have done it too. What are you waiting for?

Ricardo Gorski

Founder, TaxOne

Start living a better (tax-free) life

Apply for your individual tax plan & talk to our experts.


Frequently asked questions

What services do you offer?

Our accountants and lawyers offer all services regarding immigration, company formation and tax planning. In addition, we offer offshore solutions, as well as All-in-One services. Tax.One is your One-Stop-Shop if you want to move abroad.

Who can move abroad and pay less tax?

Everyone that works remotely in their home office can move abroad and pay less tax. Digital nomads, freelancers, small entrepreneurs, big corporations, and even employees, if they are working from their home office. If you fill out the questionnaire, we will tell you if you are eligible.

Yes, moving to another country is 100% legal, and if you apply to the tax system of your new country, you become a tax-resident of that new country.

What are the costs for your services?

We don’t charge money upfront. Only if you decide to move abroad, you will receive an offer regarding immigration, company formation, as well as any other services that you might be interested in.

I am not from Europe, does this still work for me?

Yes. We can still do the immigration with certain VISA’s, or we will apply for a permanent residency (PR) by investment.

What if I want to move back to my country?

No problem. Your old life is just one flight away, at any times. However, 97% of our clients stay in their new life and are happier than ever.

What’s the tax you will pay in Cyprus if you move here?

Apply for your individual tax plan & talk to our experts.